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Writer's pictureJesse Favre

Hello, 2025! Looking Back & Forward

I’m starting this post looking out at a white, sandy beachall noise blocked by the window from which I’m viewing it. I’m sure I’ll finish this from a bustling airport, which I can only hope contributes to a safe and more timely trip home, as compared to the 32-hour journey it took to get here. (It should’ve been a short afternoon trip.)

Watching the waves silently crash in, I wish I could bottle up this moment. Rest feels even more valuable when you know you’re about to muster up some serious energy.

Oh, I forgot to mentionHappy New Year! We’ve made it to 2025. 

I don’t think I’ve ever set a New Year’s resolution, mainly because I set an intention on my birthday each year. However, I have been giving seminars on how to make resolutions more effective for those who partake.

While preparing my notes for these seminars, I stumbled upon the origins of New Year’s resolutions, including ancient Babylonian and Roman history.

The Romans, for instance, supposedly made promises at the start of each year to Janus, the two-faced god who could look backward into the past and forward into the future. He became a symbol of reflection and resolution.

While I’m not setting any specific resolutions myself, I like the idea of both looking back and forward. So, here goes my best attempt as I soak up these last precious moments of stillness!


What I was most proud of in 2024:

As a company owner, I felt like I made a major shift from being a freelancer with a travel blog (a totally valid life choice) to being the founder of a more cohesive company (something I wanted but initially didn't know how to achieve).

I loved the phase of doing instructional design on the go!

It was a scary transition because it meant walking away from the work that immediately paid my bills to self-producing offerings with an unknown payoff. I’m proud that I had the audacity to make that change and invest in myself. I'm also proud that I took a beginner mindset to skills I'm naturally decent at, like public speaking. I had so much room to grow (and still do)!

What I would have done differently:

In retrospect, I probably should have brought on administrative help earlier in the year. There was a period in 2024 in which my seminar volume peaked while multiple large instructional design contracts were wrapping up. Overworking undoubtedly took a toll on my health. I think I’m still recovering from all that, so I really wish I had asked for help earlier! 

What I’m grateful for in 2024:

I’m grateful I had the wisdom to take my health more seriouslyand for the resources and support to make that happen.

My job requires so much energy, particularly because of the need to be “on” in front of various audiences nearly daily. Growing my practice and staying on top of chronic health issues has been such a tricky balancing act.

I’ve got to give a huge shoutout to my boyfriend, who did everything he could to support my health and work in 2024, from cooking my meals to driving me to my out-of-state gigs (all while continuing his own work as a successful music producer). It was a team effort, and I’m extraordinarily grateful for him as a partner.


What I’m looking forward to in 2025:

I’m genuinely looking forward to supporting entrepreneurship through a part-time university gig. I’m also nearly giddy about expanding e-learning in 2025.

In 2024, my boyfriend and I teamed up to produce 70 e-learning videos for a manager training program, and I got to explore, in a more serious way, the world of video production. From scriptwriting to editing to graphic design, I realized how creative and challenging this sort of work can be. 

Being on camera is not something I thought I’d enjoy, and, truth be told, it’s not my favorite part of the process. (While I’ve performed since I was three, I’ve mostly been onstage. Cameras historically gave me the “ick.”)

Tech check before filming!

However, the process of filming and reviewing my work wound up being incredibly helpful for improving as a speaker, and I wanted more practice.

After wrapping up manager training, I sat on the idea of making e-learning a focal point of my career in 2025 for several weeks. By the end, I was still feeling extremely energized with very little trepidation. So, here we go!  

What I hope to leave behind in 2024:

Probably the high volume of LinkedIn posts! I still plan to produce content but will likely diversify my platforms. (As I’ve started dabbling on Instagram, it just feels more playful and dynamic. I’m ready to mix it up!)

What’s the vibe for 2025?

Both trust and take care of your gut. ✅ ✅ I'm aiming for a year of intuitive decisions and self-care!

Want to throw your 2025 vibe into the mix? Scroll all the way down and comment below!

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